Orthopedic Examination Videos
Active Straight Leg Raise (SLR)
Symptom reproduction without pelvic support, reduced or no symptoms with pelvic support. Classic for: Pelvic instability.
Straight Leg Raise (SLR)
Symptom reproduction and/or diminished range of motion on affected side. Classic for: Lumbar radiculopathy.
Well Leg Raise
Symptom reproduction on affected side by flexing unaffected hip. Classic for: Lumbar radiculopathy related to discogenic problem.
Braggard’s sign
Reproduction of radiating symptoms. Classic for: Lumbar radiculopathy. Can be used for neurodynamic assessment.
Slump Test
Reproduction of radiating symptoms. Classic for: Lumbar radiculopathy. Can be used for neurodynamic assessment.
Prone instability test
Lumbopelvic stability evaluation to determine need for supportive intervention(s) if pain reproduced when in flexion and reduced when legs lifted ~6″ off ground.
Passive lumbar extension
Symptom reproduction in lumbar spine. Classic for: Spondylolisthesis.
Prone Hip Extension
Evaluation to determine need for supportive intervention(s) if asymmetrical muscle activity and/or lack of activity within lumbar spine.
Seated piriformis test
Symptom reproduction in area. Classic for: Deep gluteal syndrome, primarily piriformis.
Active Piriformis Test
Symptom reproduction in area. Classic for: Deep gluteal syndrome, primarily piriformis.
Lumbar Stenosis Clinical Prediction Rule
Patient presents with 1) bilateral symptoms 2) leg pain > back pain 3) pain with walking/standing 4) pain relief when sitting 5) >48 years of age. 4/5+ = +Likelihood ratio of 5, 1 or fewer can rule out lumbar stenosis.
Laslett’s SI Cluster: Distraction, Thigh thrust, Compression, and Sacral thrust.
Perform in the following order: SI distraction, Thigh thrust, SI compression, and finally Sacral thrust. If the first two exams reproduced SI pain then SI dysfunction is indicated. Otherwise, continue with the latter two tests to consider SI dysfunction if SI pain is reproduced.