Evidence Based Orthopedic Examinations
A Collaboration Between Parker University and Professor Chad Cook, PT, Ph.D., MBA, FAPTA
An excellent history allows a clinician to develop a quality differential diagnosis list. Following the development of this list, the next step is performing high-quality exams to help lead the clinician towards the best diagnosis. From here, we can determine whether to move into ancillary testing, such as lab work or imaging, formulating a treatment plan for a trial of care, co-managing, or even referring the patient out entirely.
There are hundreds of orthopedic examinations, but our highly qualified exam committee considered each test carefully and narrowed down the list to exams that had the highest level of evidence and to those that made the most anatomical and physiological sense to help you best rule in or rule out a particular diagnosis, improving your ability to deliver high-quality patient care.
We teamed up with author and researcher Professor Chad Cook, PT, Ph.D., MBA, FAPTA, from Duke University to deliver world-class, clear, and concise instructional videos to take your examinations and patient care to the next level. It is our goal for these videos to help educate and promote high-quality exams.