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7194291280 Message the Seller

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Seasoned Coverage Doctor
Let me help you enjoy your time away and improve your bottom line, knowing your patients and team will be in the hands of a supportive, capable, friendly doctor.
A 2006 Chiro Econ article suggested you are too necessary not to replace when you're going to be away. They concluded that hiring a coverage doctor is more advantageous to your bottom line over time than closing down your office.
I'm a 38 year veteran semi-retired chiropractor. Although the majority of my professional life has been in private practice, I’ve also filled in for some 40 practices. My experience has been split equally between family and personal injury.
I'm adaptable to most any technique, whether its Diversified, Thompson, Activator, Cox, BioCranial, Toftness enhanced SOT, Pettibon, Logan Basic, Spinal Touch, Myodynamic Remodeling, ART, ProAdjustor 360, Ultralign G2, Pulstar Fras, or Arthrostim.
I will make every attempt to make your patients feel comfortable. That's my job! My C.V. and Malpractice are current. I'll travel to any location within the State of Texas. Paul Sarver, D.C. You’re welcome to text or call me @ (719) 429-1280.

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