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8008639373 Message the Seller

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Seller Financing…NO BANK NEEDED!

Make $100K your 1st year with $40,000 bonuses annually (cash plus equity)!

Receive majority ownership through SWEAT EQUITY!

Includes Practice Management Coaching and TREMENDOUS Seller Assistance during the transition of the Practice.

• 16 weeks vacation!
• 27 new pts/mo average
• 35 pv/wk average

This 100% Diversified, 50% CASH Practice is your opportunity today to trade in your Associates ball & chain shackle which is designed to restrict and limit your upward mobility to financial freedom.
If not now … WHEN?
This practice is being handed to you on a “Silver Platter” with virtually NO RISK.

This 1000 sq ft lucrative, Diversified Practice sees 27 new patients/month with approximately 35 patient visits/week. Collections of $336K with High Net Profit. The practice is located in a family-friendly, safe and beautiful resort community and contains (3) treatment rooms, office space, reception area, storage room and private bathroom.

CALL TODAY: 800.863.9373

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