thyroid exam
Resource: Stanford Medicine

Incurable, disabling, controversial and heading your way Misunderstood and underreported, arachnoiditis can result from routine medical procedures and leave patients permanently incapacitated. Arachnoiditis is a neuropathic malady that affects the arachnoid layer of the meninges. A more severe type of arachnoiditis is adhesive arachnoiditis. Adhesive arachnoiditis results in scarring and adhesions within the meninges. Additionally, […]
Does Piriformis Syndrome Exist?

Even though the concept of piriformis syndrome (PS) was proposed 8 decades ago, (1) the existence of PS is still controversial. (2, 3) The diagnosis of PS is based on knowledge of anatomy, clinical findings, and anecdote, rather than firm evidence. The fuzzy criteria for diagnosing PS has made it difficult to perform randomized double […]
Ehler-Danlos Syndrome

Chiropractic Red Flag: Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) is not one syndrome but a group more than 10 different congenital disorders characterized by a defect in the production of collagen. EDS can be present as a mild condition that presents with hyperelastic joints, or it can present as a life threatening form that can result […]